Lauren Pick
I am a CI postdoctoral fellow co-mentored by Prof. Sanjit Seshia and Prof. Aws Albarghouthi. Previously, I was a PhD student in Princeton University's Computer Science department advised by Prof. Aarti Gupta.
I am currently on the academic job market! I have made my research, teaching, and diversity statements available.
I am broadly interested in the application of automated verification and synthesis techniques in different domains. In practice, the straightforward application of these kinds of tools and techniques faces scalability and expressivity limitations. I address these limitations by developing new representations and algorithmic approaches that take advantage of the structure of the systems and properties under consideration.


Apr 2023 Psym paper and quantum circuit optimizer synthesis paper accepted to PLDI
Sep 2022 Benchmark paper accepted to NeurIPS
Aug 2022 "Qubit mapping and routing via MaxSAT" accepted to MICRO
Nov 2021 FPO ("thesis defense") complete!
Jul 2021 Received CIFellowship to work with Prof. Aws Albarghouthi at UW-Madison
